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The Core Facility holds a GE Signa Premier 3.0T MRI scanner, 70 cm bore. The scanner is equipped with several head coils, including 48ch and 32ch coils.

The GE SIGNA Premier 3.0T MR is an advanced MRI system incorporating new coils and gradient technology, which will allow us to provide service to users with state-of-the-art scanning equipment.  The new scanner comes with AIR technology coils, which have an industry-leading flexible design. These coils comfortably conform to the size and shape of every patient. Not only does this improve the scan experience, it has the added benefit of improving signal quality by bringing the elements closer to the patient. 

The CF provides a standardized research protocol for human brain research and brain diseases. This enables data exchange across projects.

The Core Facility provides integrated experimental equipment such as an MR-compatible EEG-system (Clinilab Oy) and a setup for fMRI experiments for visual and auditory stimuli as well as response devices. We perform quality assurance of the MRI data routinely and follow up all projects continuously.

In addition to head coils, we now offer whole body MRI with use of a 32-channel body array coil with AIR technology. This will provide unique opportunities for brain – body interaction research.

As part of the 2019 upgrade of the MRI scanner, the Core Facility obtained a research agreement with GE, which secured access to new research packages (e.g. ABCD protocol, eASL and 3DPROMOv2) in early test versions before it becomes generally available. This is of great value for the research projects at the CF.

We provide a designated PC for running fMRI paradigms with upgraded software; E-Prime2 (Psychology Software Tools), Matlab and nordicAktiva (NordicNeuroLab). These tools contain a comprehensive library of paradigms for use in clinical research and also gives us the possibility to customize paradigms for each project.

The Core Facility will give advice about design and methods, provide access to scanner and can contribute with data analysis after specific agreements. The Core Facility provides a room for interviews and neuropsychological testing etc.

We can also after specific agreements offer NeuroQuant and NeuroQuant MS for quantitative MRI measurement, which automatically segments and measures volumes of brain structures and lesions and compares these volumes to a normal population. This is provided by .

Prices will vary with complexity and time for each project. We either charge a fee for each scan, usually short term project, but for most long term projects we negotiate a price depending on the needs of each project (The hourly fee staring from 2000 NOK).

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