
AMG is a highly interdisciplinary team encompassing molecular biology and genetics, functional and cellular biology, iPCs, organoids, mouse models and xenografts, optical, CT and MRI imaging of cancer and psychiatric disorders, advanced genomics/transcriptomics, proteomics, medical genetics, HLA sequencing in transplantation, data analytics, bioinformatics, biostatistics and machine learning. 

Clinical collaborators

The clinical collaborations are central for informing research questions and provide access to competence and biomaterial. 

Central collaborators are Dept. of Microbiology, Dept. of Neurology, Dept. og Thoracic Surgery, CFS/ME center, Nevsom, Dept. of Rheumatology, Dept. of Hematology, Institute for Cancer Research, Akershus university hospital, Vestre Viken HF, Lovisenberg hospital, ERN (European Reference Networks). Medical genetics dept. at other hospitals and universities in Norway: Univ. of Bergen/Haukeland university hospital, Univ. of Tromsø/University hospital of north Norway, St. Olav hospital/NTNU (Trondheim), 

International collaborations

International collaborations are central for access to competence and broadening the perspectives.

Main partners: the Clinical Genomics unit at Karolinska Inst., the Univ. of Helsinki, the Genome center at Copenhagen University Hospital, The bioinformatics at Univ. of Barcelona, the biostatistics at Univ. of Cambridge, Sanger Institute, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nurnberg, Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya , Univ. of Edinburgh, Univ. of Iceland, Univ. of Heidelberg, The National University Hospital of Iceland, Univ. of Leuven, Princeton University, The state university of New Jersey, Princeton University, Wuhan inst. of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Centre for disease control, Armauer Hansen research Inst., Addis Ababa University. 

Collaboration with other research sectors e.g. higher education, research institutes, health trusts and industry. 

We are a health care provider applying state of the art technology, single cell and massively parallel DNA sequencing where the University Hospitals and Universities in Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim and Tromsø are partners in NorSeq Norseq4 

We have extensive collaborations with the The National Advisory Unit on Rare Disorders (NKSD) – Oslo universitetssykehus HF (, Norwegian Institute for Public Health (Centre for Fertility and Health), Diakonhjemmet (REMEDY), Biobank Norway (Cancer Registry, MoBa, HUNT, NORMENT, Janus bank ++), and more.

Data and infrastructure are connected with ELIXIR Norway ELIXIR | A distributed infrastructure for life-science information (,

Main educational partners UiO, UiB and OsloMET.

Industry collaborators

AMG is also working closely with industry, in particular in innovation (e.g. GreinDX) and clinical implementation projects. An example of this is the ICT Lighthouse project (RCN) Bigmed which had several business partners both large companies (e.g. DNV and IBM) and SMEs. 

Patient organisations

Contact with patient organisations provide firsthand knowledge about the patents, their relatives and their needs. Research questions are made with this as a basis. Researchers are invited to talk at patient meeting/conferences and long-term important collaborations are made and sustained.

Patient organisations; e.g. Frambu kompetansesenter for sjeldne sykdommer (, ME-foreningen (, 1,6 women health club (Forside - For kvinners helse). 

In this we have also had to deal with complex legal issues in areas such as data sharing, privacy and secondary usage of data. In collaboration with the legal department at the hospital as well as legal academic environments at University of Oslo attempting to develop a new and common language that reaches across professional boundaries. This is a never-ending process, where working in transdisciplinary projects has been key. 

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