Reminder: 21st Meeting of the European Association for Cancer Research, 26 - 29 June 2010

The Department of Genetics is hosting the 21st Meeting of the European Association for Cancer Research, 26 - 29 June 2010, Oslo. Message from the organizers:
"With busy schedules, deadlines swiftly approach and opportunity is unfortunately lost should they pass us by. Therefore, we take this opportunity to send this final reminder to submit an abstract before submission closes on 01 March 2010."
With busy schedules, deadlines swiftly approach and opportunity is unfortunately lost should they pass us by.
Therefore, we take this opportunity to send this final reminder to submit an abstract before submission closes on 01 March 2010.
Bringing cutting edge discovery, research and science to Norway, EACR 21’s four day programme of excellence promises outstanding lectures from world leaders in cancer research including the 2009 Nobel Prize winner Elisabeth Blackburn who will deliver the opening Muhlbock Lecture.
Dr Blackburn’s research over the course of more than three decades has revolutionised scientists' understanding of the way in which cells function. Her co-discovery of the telomerase has revealed a mechanism that plays a key role in determining the lifespan of cells, as well as the processes of cell aging and cancers which has in turn stimulated the development of potential new therapies.
This Lecture as well as many other meeting highlights covering the very latest in gene expression, outcomes research, cell biology, epidemiology, immunology, tumour microenvironment and cell signalling pathways are set to attract an attendance of over 1000 scientists from all over Europe and the rest of the world.
Given the urgency and to ensure that interested individuals do not miss out, we would be extremely grateful if you could help us spread the word. Please kindly notify friends, colleagues and students who are preparing their abstracts that they must submit online before close of business 01 March 2010.
To consult the abstract topic categories, submit an abstract, view the searchable Scientific Programme and discover the many other reasons for joining us in Oslo 26-29 June 2010 click here.
The EACR 21Secretariat