Trial lecture and disputation December 10-11 Civ. eng. Jon-Vidar Gaustad
Civ. eng. Jon-Vidar Gaustad from Einar K. Rofstad's group at the Department of Radiation Biology gave his trial lectures on the subjects "Anti-angiogenese i kreftbehandling tradisjonelle og nye strategier" and "Valg av dyremodell i tumorbiologiske studier: Fordeler og ulemper ved murint versus humant kreftvev".
The trial lectures took place Thursday December 10 at 14.15 and 15.15 in "The Auditorium, Building K, OUS - Radiumhospitalet"
He defended his PhD thesis - entitled "Blood Supply in Human Melanoma Xenografts Assessed by DCE-MRI and Intravital Microscop" on Friday December 11th at 10.15. The disputation tool place in "Store fysiske auditorium, Fysikkbygningen, Blindern, UiO".