Article from Børresen-Dale's group one of top ten papers published in Journal of Pathology from 2008

The Editorial team of The Journal of Pathology announced in the winter of 2009 the institution of an annual prize - The Journal of Pathology Jeremy Jass Prize for Research Excellence in Pathology.
The article entitled "Extracellular Matrix signature identifies breast cancer subgroups with different clinical outcome", with Anne-Lise Børresen-Dale as last author, was short listed for the prize as one of the top 10 papers from 2008.
About the prize:
The first issue of The Journal of Pathology appeared in 1892 and contained articles by Metchnikoff and Virchow, among others. Since then, the Journal has had a major place in the pathological, clinical, and scientific literature, and many important papers have appeared in its pages. The entire backfile archive can be accessed from the Journal website, including the articles by Metchnikoff and Virchow.
In the winter of 2009, the Editorial team of The Journal of Pathology, together with the Officers of the Pathological Society, announced the institution of an annual prize to be awarded to the authors of the research paper published in The Journal of Pathology adjudged by the Editorial team to be the best published in a calendar year. The judgement would be based on scientific excellence, novelty, and importance, with the award being made annually one year in arrears, with the first award being made in January 2010 for a paper that had been published in the calendar year 2008. The decision to name this award after the late Jeremy Jass was made with the permission of Johanna Jass (JeremyÂ’s widow), Joanna and Simon (his children), Leon (his father), and other members of the family. It was anticipated that this new award would recognize and commemorate the enormous contribution that Jeremy Jass made to pathological research.
The decision to work a year in arrears was predicated on the view that by looking at work published in the recent past (as opposed to the immediate past), one could perhaps have a more objective view of the impact and importance of work, and also employ surrogate measures such as downloads and citation to gauge material that is truly having some influence on the research community.
Certificate, showing that the paper was Highly Commended (PDF format)
PDF of the article about the prize - The Journal of Pathology 2008 Jeremy Jass Prize for Research Excellence in Pathology - from the December issue of Journal of Pathology
Extracellular matrix signature identifies breast cancer subgroups with different clinical outcome. (link to PubMed)
Bergamaschi A, Tagliabue E, Sørlie T, Naume B, Triulzi T, Orlandi R, Russnes HG, Nesland JM, Tammi R, Auvinen P, Kosma VM, Ménard S, Børresen-Dale AL.
J Pathol. 2008 Feb;214(3):357-67.
Home page of Anne-Lise Børresen-Dale's group
Department of Genetics
Institute for Cancer Research