Dr. Ragnar Mørk legacy prize 2009 to Rolf I. Skotheim

The Ragnar Mørk's Leagcy award for 2009 went to Rolf Skotheim, working at the Department of Cancer Prevention at the Institute for Cancer Research. This award is distributed annually to a scientist who has achieved important results. Skotheim is involved in research where DNA and RNA from various cancers types are analysed by integrated computational and laboratory based approaches.
The ceremony took place on Friday 20th of November in Seminar room 1 in the New Research Building at Montebello. Skotheim gave a lecture about his research activities that earned him the award.
The aim of Skotheim's research is to identify and characterise critical genes involved in the cancer development. Such genes may serve as biomarkers in diagnostics and targets for future molecularly tailored therapy. The studies are primarily focused on testicular and colorectal cancer.
About the award:
The late Torleif Mørk did in his will leave parts of his fortune to the establishment of a legacy in his father's name, Dr. Ragnar Mørk. The Legacy was established to promote the cancer research at the Norwegian Radium Hospital. As part of this support, the Board of the legacy has decided to annually award a researcher who has achieved important results in his/her research.
The award is personal, and amounts to NOK 200.000.
Genome Biology Project Group, led by Rolf I. Skotheim
Link to Web TV broadcast of Skotheim's lecture during the Oncological forum in Bergen in 2008, when he received the Young Researcher award (in Norwegian)
Department of Cancer Prevention
Previous years winners of the Ragnar Mørks' legacy prize:
2008: Tor Erik Rusten
2007: Anne Simonsen
2006: Bjørn Naume
2005: Gunhild Mælandsmo
2004: Mouldy Sioud
2003: Ragnhild A. Lothe