Medinnova's Idea Prize to Magnar Bjørås and co-workers

Every year Medinnova distributes its Idea prize to the best idea with commercial potential originating from employees belonging to the Norwegian Health Region South-East (Helse Sør-Øst). This years prize - amounting to NOK 250.000 - goes to four researchers from the Institute of Microbiology: Magnar Bjørås, James Booth, Knut Ivan Kristiansen og Ragnhild. They receive the award for their work on the development of a new antibiotic against resistant bacteria.
The prize was distributed during the Rikshospitalet staff meeting Friday 20th of November.
The treatment developed by the prize winners is based on a new bactericidal molecule that is extremely potent. The researchers have demonstrated that this molecule reinforces the effect of normal antibiotics a 1000-fold. The way in which the new molecules exerts its effect is completely unique, and different from known antibiotics, which is of course favourable in the treatment of resistant bacteria.
Download press release (PDF format, in Norwegian)