Official opening of New Research Building August 27 Web TV broadcast from opening ceremony available

The official opening of the new research building at the Norwegian Radium Hospital took place on Thursday August 27th. HM Queen Sonja and Minister of Health Bjarne Håkon Hanssen were among the invited guests.
The memorable speeches (in Norwegian) held during the opening ceremony, as well as the first class musical acts, are now available through the excellent Web TV service provided by the Institute for Medical Informatics!
Thursday August 27th 11 am - 12
Opening of New Research Building
Venue: the Hall in the research building
Welcome to new research building - by scientific director at the Insitute for Cancer Research Øystein Fodstad
Speeches by:
- Chief executive in South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority (Helse Sør-Øst) Bente Mikkelsen
- Minister of Health Bjarne Håkon Hanssen
- State Secretary in The Ministry of Education and Research Åsa Elvik
- Pro-rector at the University of Oslo Inga Bostad
- Managing director in the Research Council of Norway Arvid Hallén
- Chairman of the Board in the Norwegian Cancer Society Paul Hellandsvik
- Cancer patient Bengt Eidim
- Scientific director at the Institute for Cancer Research Øystein Fodstad
Musical acts by Miram Helms Ålien and Arve Tellefsen
Web TV broadcast of the complete ceremony: click here!
(may take a few seconds to start)
Presentation brochure - New Research Building (in Norwegian) - pdf format, 6.5 MB