Polish-Norwegian Research Fund grants 15.8 mill NOK to CCB project leader Antoni Wiedlocha

Antoni Wiedlocha’s group has been awarded a 1.8 mill EURO grant (equivalent of 15.8 mill NOK) for the project "Translocation of fibroblast growth factors 1 and 2 to the cytosol and nucleus" from the Polish-Norwegian Research Fund over a period of 2.5 years together with Prof. Jacek Otlewski at University of Wroclaw, Poland. Wiedlocha is the leader of the Centre for Cancer Biomedicine (CCB) project "Nuclear translocation of FGFs".
About the project:
Translocation of fibroblast growth factor 1 (FGF1) and 2 (FGF2) from the cell exterior to the cytosol and nucleus is a new principle for these growth factors signalling. However so far, we do not know details about the mechanism of translocation, Wiedlocha explains. We are using our knowledge from the protein toxin work in attempts to elucidate the mechanism. We also intend to study the mechanism by which the translocated exogenous growth factor signals. We also plan to test if other growth factors have an intracellular mode of action in addition to their ability to signal through a transmembrane receptor.
Antoni Wiedlochas project group: Nuclear translocation of FGFs
Centre for Cancer Biomedicine (CCB) home page