Trial lecture and disputation June 26th Henriette Corneliussen Skjølberg

Cand. Scient. Henriette Corneliussen Skjølberg from Erik Boye's group at the Department of Cell Biology at the Institute for Cancer Research will give her trial lecture with the title Genomic integrity: mechanisms that safeguard and restore replicating DNA in yeaston Friday June 26th 2009 09:15
She will defend her PhD thesis with the title Regulation of the G1/S checkpoint in fission yeast at 12:15 the same day.
Both events take place in Store Auditorium, Forskningsbygget K, Radiumhospitalet.
NB: this is the first disputation taking place in the auditorium in the new research building.
Complete announcement (from the UiO web pages)
Supervisors: Professor Erik Boye og Dr. Beata Grallert
Erik Boye's group - Yeast Cell Biology