Trial lecture and disputation, May 27-28th 2009 Ingegerd Eggen Furre

Siv. ing. Ingegerd Eggen Furre from Quian Peng's group at the Division of Pathology will defend her PhD thesis, entitled "Apoptosis Following Hexaminolevulinate-Mediated Photodynamic Therapy" on Thursday May 28th at 10:15.

Her trial lecture - on the subject "A review of ALA and its esters in Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy will be held at 15:15 the day before - on Wednesday, May 27th.

Both events take place in in the Auditorium at the Norwegian Radium hospital (U1).

Supervisor: Professor Qian Peng, Division of Pathology, Oslo universitetssykehus HF, Rikshospitalet-Radiumhospitalet

Complete announcement (in Norwegian, from the UiO web pages)

Division of Pathology

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