Trial lecture (on Web TV) and disputation, May 12-13th 2009 Cand.scient. Terje Cruickshank Ahlquist

Cand.scient. Terje Cruickshank Ahlquist from Ragnhild A. Lothe's group at the Department of Cancer Prevention defended his PhD thesis, entitled "Novel genetic and epigenetic alterations in colorectal tumors and their potential as biomarkers" on Wednesday May 13th.
His trial lecture - on the subject "Globale undersøkelser av genomforandringer i human cancer" was held the day before - on Tuesday May 12th. This lecture is available on Web TV!
Click here to enjoy his excellent lecture (in Norwegian).
Both events took place in the Auditorium at the Norwegian Radium Hospital.
Supervisor: professor Ragnhild A. Lothe
Complete announcement (in Norwegian, from the UiO web pages)
Department of Cancer Prevention