Figure from Camilla Raiborg paper on the cover of the whole 2009 edition of Experimental Cell Research

A figure from the paper "Differential functions of Hrs and ESCRT proteins in endocytic membrane trafficking" by Camilla Raiborg and co-workers in Harald Stenmark’s group at the Department of Biochemistry (Institute for Cancer Research), published in March 2008, has been selected for the cover of the whole 2009 edition (24 issues) of Experimental Cell Research. In the article the authors characterize the functions and sites of actions of the so-called "endosomal sorting complexes required for transport" (ESCRTs) in endocytic membrane trafficking.
The figure shows two HeLa cells in which a subunit of ESCRT-III has been depleted. Such depletion causes a dispersion of the Golgi apparatus (green).
Nuclei are stained in blue and actin in red.
Differential functions of Hrs and ESCRT proteins in endocytic membrane trafficking. (link to PubMed)
Raiborg C, Malerød L, Pedersen NM, Stenmark H.
Exp Cell Res. 2008 Feb 15;314(4):801-13. Epub 2007 Nov 26.
Experimental Cell Research - the whole 2009 edition