Research award to Astrid Liavåg

Astrid Liavåg received the "Bjørn Bugge-Asperheims research award" on December 1st. Liavåg is a member of the gynecological cancer research group headed by Claes G. Tropè, Here she is working for the ovarian cancer team, and her main supervisor is Anne Dørum.
Liavåg received the price for publishing a high quality article in 2007, being first author on a paper published in Journal of Clinical Oncology (impact factor 15,5), entitled "Controlled Study of Fatigue, Quality of Life, and Somatic and Mental Morbidity in Epithelial Ovarian Cancer Survivors: How Lucky Are the Lucky Ones?"
News article (in Norwegian) from the web pages of Sørlandet sykehus HF
Home page of the gynecological cancer research group, headed by Claes G. Trope
The award-winning article: (link to PubMed)
Controlled study of fatigue, quality of life, and somatic and mental morbidity in epithelial ovarian cancer survivors: how lucky are the lucky ones?
Liavaag AH, Dørum A, Fosså SD, Tropé C, Dahl AA.
J Clin Oncol. 2007 May 20;25(15):2049-56.