News from EACR-20, Lyon 5-7 July

Anne-Lise Børresen-Dale took formally over as president for the European Association for Cancer Research on July 7th, during the 20th EACR meeting, held in Lyon 5-7 July 2008. She informs that the next EACR meeting - "EACR 21" will be held in Oslo in June 2010.
During the meeting an extensive scientific programme was being appreciated by well over 1,100 members and delegates. Hege Russnes (photo) received an award on basis of abstract submission and oral presentation.
The Presidential Sessions showcased oral presentations by researchers selected on the basis of their abstract submissions to receive EACR "40th"Anniversary Research Awards". Among the 11 scientists receiving an award certificate and cheque for 500 Euro at the Awards Ceremony was Hege Russnes.
Russnes is a member of Anne-Lise Børresen-Dales group at the Department of Genetics at the Instiute for Cancer Research, where she is working on the project " Molecular classification of Breast Carcinoma" for her PhD, with Børresen-Dale as main supervisor. In addition, she is head of the Laboratory for Molecular Pathology at the Department of Pathology.
The title of her abstract was "Molecular sub classification of breast carcinomas based on aCGH, gene expression, IHC and ploidy; relevance for clinical outcome". In collaboration with Dr. James Hicks at Cold Spring Harbour Laboratories, she has developed a classification algorithm based on genomic events, subdividing breast carcinomas into two main classes both with distinct subgroups.
EACR 20 - Lyon 5-7 July 2008 - Scientific program (link to PDF document)
EACR 21 - Oslo 26-30 June 2010 (PDF document)
EACR Home page
Home page of Anne-Lise Børresen-Dale's group
Department of Genetics
Institute for Cancer Research