September 21st 2004 50 years anniversary and laying of foundation stone for new building

H.R.H Crown Princess Mette-Marit was welcomed by adm. dir. Jan Vincents Johannessen, leader of the Institute Council Erlend B. Smeland. The crown princess layed down the foundation stone using the same spade as King Haakon VII used when the building of the Norwegian Radium Hosptial was initiated in 1929.

The new research building will be opened in 2009, and it going to be spectacular. It has a cost estimate of 1 billion NOK, and a surface area of 17000 m2. The new facilities will be instrumental for keeping up the high international level of the research.

Speeches were held by adm. dir Jan Vincents Johannessen, Erlend B. Smeland (leader for the research council), Jan Otto Risebrobakken (state secretary in the Health Department), John Alvheim (leader of the Social Comittee), Bjørn Erikstein (Director, Helse Sør), Anne Lise Ryel (general secretary, Norwegian Cancer Society), Åge Danielsen (adm dir. the Norw. National Hospital), Per Brodal (dean of education. Univ. of Oslo) and Inger Stay Lien (ass. univ. director).
Sep 21, 2004 Page visits: 8396