Institute for Cancer Research and OUS-CCC seminar on Wednesday 21. September Susanne Lorenz

Welcome to a joint Institute for Cancer Research and OUS-CCC seminar on Wednesday 21. September, which will be held by Susanne Lorenz, Head of Genomics and Bioinformatics Core Facility.
Title of the talk:
High-throughput multi-omics. Current and future technologies to study cancer, from tissue to single-cells
The seminar will take place in the Auditorium in the research building (K building) at the Radium Hospital and will start at 12:00.
Cancer biology is very complex and multi-omics approaches enable discoveries across multiple levels of biology to better connect genotype and phenotype. The seminar will provide an overview over currently existing methods taking different levels of resolution into account (bulk, single cell, spatial) and methods available at the Genomics Core Facility (GCF). A short summary of some research examples - projects performed at GCF or from literature - will demonstrate the application areas for the different approaches and also challenges and limitations.
The Bioinformatics Core Facility
Oslo University Hospital is an accredited Comprehensive Cancer Centre (CCC) by the Organisation of European Cancer Institutes (OECI) since 2017.
This semester we will organize a few joint Institute for Cancer Research and OUS-CCC seminars to reach out to a broader audience.
Hope to see many of you there!
On behalf of the Institute for Cancer Research seminar organizing committee 2022:
Stine Henrichson Kresse
Edward Leithe
Bjarne Johannessen
Department of Molecular Oncology