Anne-Lise Børresen Dale elected fellow of the AACR Academy Class of 2022

The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) recently announced its newly elected class of Fellows of the AACR Academy. Among the 33 members of the 2022 class is Anne-Lise Børresen-Dale, Professor Emerita at University of Oslo and previous head of Department of Cancer Genetics, Oslo University Hospital Radiumhospitalet.
The mission of the AACR Academy is to recognize and honor distinguished scientists whose scientific contributions have propelled significant innovation and progress against cancer. Only individuals whose work has had a significant and enduring impact on cancer research are considered for election and induction into the AACR Academy.
Børresen-Dale was elected for her seminal research contributions involving breast cancer, DNA damage and repair, and the identification of molecular profiles that contribute to cancer risk, tumor staging, and therapy resistance led by conducting extensive gene expression profiling of breast carcinomas.
News release from The American Association for Cancer Research (AACR):
AACR Announces Fellows of the AACR Academy Class of 2022
News article from UiO home page:
Børresen-Dale utnevnt som AACR Academy-fellow