Ceremony available via YouTube: Oslo University Hospital has awarded 6 excellent articles for the second half-year of 2020
In order to stimulate excellent research and draw attention to the hospital's research activity, Oslo University Hospital rewards outstanding publications every half-year.
Six research groups were awarded for their excellent papers published the second half-year of 2020 during a ceremony on June 11th. Each group received NOK 50.000 for use in further research, and the prize winners gave short presentations of their main findings, which are available via YouTube.
The six selected articles are of especially high quality, and they present important finding on both-short and long-term scales. The works reflect the good quality and the interdisciplinarity that characterises several research environments at Oslo University Hospital. The research is a fundamental condition for the institution to maintain and strenghten the quality in the patient treatment.
"The award winning articles cover a wide range of research that will benefit future patients in the form of improved treatment methods, more precise diagnostics, better follow-up and better understanding of risk factors. It is important for the hospital to highlight and reward outstanding research and praise for the long-term efforts that lie behind it", says Director of Research, Innovation and Education Erlend B. Smeland.
The entire ceremony could be followed directly via web TV, and is available to watch after the event.
Link to: YouTube video from the ceremony , starting 8.00 AM Friday June 11th.
The award-winning articles:
Equally valued award winners - excellent original articles published 2nd half year of 2020
Authors: Jakob Skalleberg, Milada Cvancarova Småstuen, Jan Oldenburg, Terje Osnes, Sophie D. Fosså, Marie Bunne
Title: The Relationship Between Cisplatin-related and Age-related Hearing Loss During an Extended Follow-up
Journal: Laryngoscope 2020, 130(9):E515-E521
Authors: Dennis van der Meer, Oleksandr Frei, Tobias Kaufmann, Alexey A Shadrin, Anna Devor, Olav B Smeland, Wesley K Thompson, Chun Chieh Fan, Dominic Holland, Lars T Westlye, Ole A Andreassen, Anders M Dale
Article: Understanding the genetic determinants of the brain with MOSTest
Journal: Nature Communications, 2020, 11(1):3512
Authors: Malin Bern, Jeannette Nilsen, Mattia Ferrarese, Kine M K Sand, Torleif T Gjølberg, Heidrun E Lode, Robert J Davidson, Rodney M Camire, Espen S Bækkevold, Stian Foss, Algirdas Grevys, Bjørn Dalhus, John Wilson, Lene S Høydahl, Gregory J Christianson, Derry C Roopenian, Tilman Schlothauer, Terje E Michaelsen, Morten C Moe, Silvia Lombardi, Mirko Pinotti, Inger Sandlie, Alessio Branchini, Jan Terje Andersen
Journal: Science Translational Medicine 2020, 12(565):eabb0580
Authors: Eivind Heggernes Ask, Astrid Tschan-Plessl, Thea Johanne Gjerdingen, Michelle Lu Sætersmoen, Hanna Julie Hoel, Merete Thune Wiiger, Johanna Olweus, Björn E. Wahlin, Ole Christian Lingjærde, Amir Horowitz, Amanda F. Cashen, Marcus Watkins, Todd A. Fehniger, Harald Holte, Arne Kolstad and Karl-Johan Malmberg
Journal: Med 2021, 2(2):180-195.e5. Published Dec 03 2020.
Authors: Tonje R Johannessen, Odd Martin Vallersnes, Sigrun Halvorsen, Anne Cecilie K Larstorp, Ibrahimu Mdala, Dan Atar
Article: Open Heart 2020, 7(2):e001296
Authors: John M Aalen, Erwan Donal, Camilla K Larsen, Jürgen Duchenne, Mathieu Lederlin, Marta Cvijic, Arnaud Hubert, Gabor Voros, Christophe Leclercq, Jan Bogaert, Einar Hopp, Jan Gunnar Fjeld, Martin Penicka, Cecilia Linde, Odd O Aalen, Erik Kongsgård, Elena Galli, Jens-Uwe Voigt, Otto A Smiseth
Journal: European Heart Journal 2020, 41(39):3813-3823
News article (in Norwegian) about the award, including summaries of the findings written in a popular science form:
Priser til halvårets fremragende forskningsartikler - høst 2020
YouTube video from the ceremony