Institute Seminar Wednesday, May 5th, on Zoom: Susanne Lorenz, Department of Core Facilities

Title of her talk:
Genomics going spatial - new dimensions of gene expression
Place: on Zoom
Genomics going spatial - new dimensions of gene expression
The presentation will be started with a short introduction of the services provided by the Genomics an Bioinformatics Core Facilities. Afterwards, the focus will be on the new spatial technologies currently implemented at the Unit.
Recently, genomic techniques are being adapted to provide spatially resolved omics profling. The ability to discern spatial gene expression differences in complex biological systems is critical to improve our understanding of development and progression of diseases, such as cancer. The complexity presented by heterogeneous tissue has been historically difficult to overcome. Even single cell analysis is limited, as these experiments require dissociated cells. The new spatial technologies enable analysing gene expression in intact tissue sections preserving spatial resolution, which provides critical information for understanding the relationships between cellular function, phenotype and location in the tissue.
Institute seminar overview spring season 2021
On behalf of the organizing commitee 2021:
Anette Weyergang
Tord Hompland
Helga B. Landsverk
Department of Radiation Biology