Gry Aarum Geitvik "Employee of the year" 2020 at the Institute for Cancer Research

Gry Aarum Geitvik – biomedical laboratory scientist at the Institute for Cancer Research - is awarded the price as Employee-of-the-year 2020 from the leadership group at the Institute for Cancer Research. Geitvik has worked in the Department for Cancer Genetics since 1982 and is currently Head of the lab technology unit. Her responsibilities include management of laboratory activities and biobanks, as well as budgeting and HR for large international projects in the department.
The Employee-of-the-year award goes to a person that has contributed to the ICR research community and promoted the ICR vision, values and objectives. Gry Aarum Geitvik has over many years been involved in implementing cutting-edge techniques in molecular cancer research and important biobanking activities. She was involved in the planning and move to the new ICR building, served as an employee representative on the Radium Hospital Board and DNR Foundation Board, and she has broad organizational knowledge and competence. She currently serves on the Cancer Biobank Steering Committee and OUH Biobank and Register Committee as well as the Oslo Breast Cancer Consortium Board. She is truly a good citizen in wider research community
The committee describes Gry Aarum Geitvik as essential for the Institute's handling of the Covid-19 situation in 2020. She has ensured that critical activities, such as biobanking of patient material from clinical studies, have been maintained throughout the whole period. She has developed the contingency plan for transfer of key personnel to the hospital and managed the day-to-day laboratory activities at the Department of Cancer Genetics. Her positive and problem-solving attitude combined with high work capacity has been essential for the Institute in this challenging year. She is a very worthy recipient of the Employee-of-the-year award.
