Anita Sveen awarded the ICR "Researcher of the Year" Prize for 2020

Anita Sveen (39) – senior researcher and project group leader at Institute for Cancer Research – was on December 16th awarded the prize Researcher-of-the-Year from the leadership at ICR for her outstanding scientific contributions. The award of 100 000 NOK is financed by the Radium Hospital Foundation (Radiumhospitalets legater) and is a personal scholarship for stimulating further excellence in research.
Sveen is a project leader in computational oncology in Ragnhild Lothe’s group at the Department of Molecular Oncology. Her research focuses on new treatment concepts for patients with colorectal cancer. She has built strong interdisciplinary competence in molecular oncology and computational approaches to treatment prediction. She works in a translational research program that includes surgeons and oncologists, cancer biologists and bioinformaticians that come together in the OUH TEAM-ACT strategic research area. She is key in planning of a next generation precision medicine trial for metastatic colorectal cancer. The trial will open for inclusion in 2021 and will combine molecular analyses with ex vivo drug sensitivity testing of the patients’ own cancer cells to select the optimal treatment for the individual cancer patient.
Sveen has won several other early career prizes and received an RCN Young Research Talent Grant, a Cancer Society Open Call grant and funding from HSE. The committee describes Sveen as a very accomplished and promising young researcher publishing in high impact journals and with a steep upward trajectory. The leadership at the Institute for Cancer Research is looking forward to see more excellent research from Dr. Sveen in 2021.

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Anita Sveen, Project Group for Computational Oncology
Dept. of Molecular Oncology, ICR:
The Radium Hospital Foundation (Radiumhospitalets legater)
News article in Dagens Medisin: interview with Anita Sveen:
– En anerkjennelse av hele forskningsmiljøet (2020-12-16)