IMPRESS NORWAY: Large national precision medicine study in cancer

IMPRESS-Norway, a large national study on precision medicine against cancer, starts in the beginning of 2021.  During 2019, Oslo Cancer Cluster hosted a series of workshops with public and private stakeholders in cancer. The joint goal was to accelerate the implementation of cancer precision medicine in Norway. The initial idea for IMPRESS emerged in one of these workshops. A dedicated team, including Kjetil Taskén, Sigbjørn Smeland, Åslaug Helland and Hege Russnes, at Oslo University Hospital quickly turned it into a national effort together with colleagues at university hospitals across Norway.

From left: Sigbjørn Smeland, Gro Fagereng, Åslaug Helland, Kjetil Taskén and Hege Russnes (photo: Per Marius Didriksen, OUS)


In the newly released Norwegian state budget, an additional NOK 30 million is allocated for personalized medicine. NOK 25 million is earmarked for the implementation of genetic precision diagnostics at the Norwegian hospitals. This demonstrates a commitment from the Norwegian government to advance the implementation of precision medicine for Norwegian cancer patients.

Furher reading:

From the home page of Oslo Cancer Cluster:
IMPRESS leads the way for cancer precision medicine
Articles in Norwegian:

From the Oslo University Hospital home page:
De regionale helseforetakene støtter IMPRESS-Norway med 50 millioner

IMPRESS Norway - stor nasjonal presisjonsmedisinstudie innen kreft

From Radiumhospitalets legater:
Video interview with Kjetil Taskén

Video interview with Åslaug Helland

From the Helse Midt-Norge home page:
Støtter nasjonal kreftstudie med 50 mill. kr

From the University Hospital of North Norway (UNN) home page:
Nye behandlingsmuligheter for pasienter med langtkommen kreftsykdom
From the Helse Bergen home page:
De regionale helseforetakene støtter IMPRESS-Norway med 50 millioner
From major Norwegian national newspapers:
Verdens Gang -
Millioner til nytt kreftprosjekt: − Helt fantastisk
Aftenposten -
50 millioner til Norges største kreftstudie





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