Young researcher award to Peter Wold Eide at “Onkologisk Forum”
Dr. Peter Wold Eide, post doc in the Lothe lab received the "Young researcher award" for his scientific accomplishments during the 2019 Onkologisk forum held in Tromsø November 21st-22nd .
The evaluation committee pointed out his competence in cell biology, bioinformatics and pharmacogenomics, and that his research assessing drug sensitivities in combination with genomics in patient derived preclinical models is important for further development of precision oncology.
The award amounts to 100.000 NOK and is given to scientists younger than 40 years. Peter W Eide is currently a post doc, financed by the Health Region (HSØ).
Dr. Eide presented his work on Friday the 22nd at the annual meeting, this year held in Tromsø. His lecture was entitled "Fra generiske kreftmodeller til klinisk medikamentscreening”.
From the Onkologisk forum homepage (in Norwegian):
Onkologisk Forums Ung Forsker Pris 2019
Home page of the Genetics group, led by Raghild A. Lothe
Department of Molecular Oncology