UiO Research Award ceremony Sept 3rd Harald Stenmark interviewed for Uniforum

On Monday September 3rd professor Harald Stenmark from the Department of Molecular Biology at the Institute for Cancer Research will receive the prestigious University of Oslo Research Award for 2018 during the annual anniversary party in the University Aula. Stenmark has been interviewed by Martin Toft for the UiO newpaper Uniforum, where his very successful ongoing career is chronicled. The article is entitled "Hunting for the Achilles heels of Cancer".
Together with other award winners Stenmark gave a short lecture about his research in the library in the Vilhelm Bjerknes building the same Monday.
The article in Uniforum (31.08.2018) (in Norwegian):
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Event on September 3rd at 11:30-12:45, Vilhelm Bjerknes building:
Forelesninger med vinnerne av UiOs fire priser
Home page of Harald Stenmark's research group "Cellular membrane dynamics"