Institute Seminar Wednesday 14th of December Tor Erik Rusten Group Leader at the Department of Molecular Cell Biology

The next Institute Seminar will take place Wednesday 14th of December at 12:00 in the auditorium in the Research Building, Montebello.
Speaker is Tor Erik Rusten, newly appointed group Leader at the Department of Molecular Cell Biology.
Title of his talk: Flying in the Face of Cancer
Our group of Tumor-Host biology works on uncovering basic cell biological mechanisms of carcinogenesis at the cell, organ and organism level. For this work, we employ a mix of in vivo tumor growth models in the animal model system, Drosophila melanogaster, as well as human organoid cell culture. I will outline our research strategy and present two recent findings from our lab. The first study concerns a role of autophagy in the tumor microenvironment to support tumor growth. The second study concerns new insights into regulation of the Peutz-Jegher tumor suppressive kinase, Lkb1.