Institute seminar Wednesday June 15th at 12:00 in the Auditorium Alicia Llorente Dept. of Molecular Cell Biology

The upcoming Institute Seminar at the Institute for Cancer Research will take place on Wednesday 15th of June at 12:00 in the Auditorium in the Research Building at Montebello with the following speaker:
Senior scientist and project group leader Alicia Llorente Dept. of Molecular Cell Biology
Title of her talk: Exosome Biology and Applications in Cancer Diagnosis
We work on exosomes, nanovesicles released by cells. These vesicles have obtained considerable attention during the last years due to their implication in several physiological and pathological conditions. In addition, their potential clinical applications in diagnosis and therapy are the subject of many studies at the moment. We are interested in two main research topics. The first deals with the identification of the molecular machinery implicated in the secretion of exosomes to the extracellular environment. The second topic is the potential use of exosomes as liquid biopsies in cancer diagnostics. In particular, we are investigating whether molecules in urinary exosomes can be used as prostate cancer biomarkers.
Home page of Llorente's "Exosomes and Prostate Cancer" project group