Prof. Dr. Torsten Pietsch speaks at CCB seminar May 24th at 09:00: The new WHO classification of pediatric brain tumors

The CCB seminar Wednesday May 24th will be held by Prof. Dr. Torsten Putsch from the University of Bonn, Germany
Title of his talk: The new WHO classification of pediatric brain tumors
Time and place: May 24, 2016 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM, Auditorium, New research building
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Torsten Pietsch, University of Bonn, Germany
Title: The new WHO classification of pediatric brain tumors
Time and place: May 24, 2016 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM, Auditorium, New research building
9:00 hrs: The new WHO classification of pediatric brain tumors
Prof. Dr. Torsten Pietsch, University of Bonn, Germany
Announcement from the The Centre for Cancer Biomedicine (CCB) home page