Institute Seminar Wednesday 23rd of September Sigve Nakken

The upcoming institute seminar will take place on Wednesday 23rd of September at 12:00 in the Auditorium in the Research building at Montebello and will be held by Sigve Nakken from the Department of Tumor Biology.
Title of his talk:
“Big data challenges in personalised cancer medicine: bioinformatics activities in the Norwegian Cancer Genomics Consortium (NCGC)”
The Norwegian Cancer Genomics Consortium (NCGC) consists of clinicians and specialised cancer research groups, situated at the Norwegian University Hospitals. A primary aim of NCGC is to establish new clinical practices for cancer treatment by utilising data from high-throughput DNA sequencing of tumor samples. A critical part in this respect is the development of robust bioinformatics pipelines for somatic variant detection and interpretation. We will report on the current status of our work towards this end, and especially highlight our collaborative work with the International Cancer Genomics Consortium (ICGC).
Norwegian Cancer Genomics Consortium
Sigve Nakken's publications
Department of Tumor Biology
Institute seminar organizers:
Trevor Clancy, Mads H. Haugen and Stine H. Kresse
(Dept. of Tumor Biology and Immunology)