Institute seminar August 26th 12:15-13:00 How to biobank "The Norwegian Research Gold" the best way

The institute seminar on Wednesday August 26th will be held by Turid Eide from the Section of Research Administration and Biobank, Dept of. Research Support, OUS. The title of her talk is:
How to biobank "The Norwegian Research Gold" the best way
The lecture will give an overview of the infrastructure provided at OUS for best optimizing the biobanks at the hospital . Examples of different types of hospital-based biobanks will be provides as well as an introduction to the new tracking system for biobanks, eBiobank.
Time and place: 12:15 13:00 in the Auditorium (FOBY).
Team Biobank home page (in Norwegian)
Regional Research Support home page (in Norwegian)
Institute seminar overview autumn 2015 (Word format)