Institute seminar Wednesday 25th of March Torstein Tengs

The Institute Seminar on Wednesday 25th of March will ble held by Torstein Tengs from Ragnnhild A. Lothe's group the Department of Molecular Oncology.
The title of his talk is:
New discoveries from in depth sequencing of all genes in primary colorectal cancers
Time and place: 12:00 in the Auditorium, Inst. for Cancer Res., Montebello.
New discoveries from in depth sequencing of all genes in primary colorectal cancers
The decrease in cost and the increased availability of bioinformatics tools has made it feasible for research groups to undertake genome-wide studies that until recently would have been deemed impossible. We have characterized the complete coding region (exome) of 100 primary tumors from colorectal cancer patients. By comparing sequence data from primary tumor tissue with data from matching, normal tissue, somatic genetic changes associated cellular transformation and tumor progression can be identified. The results not only provide insight into the basic cellular biology of colorectal cancer, but also make it possible to stratify patients in a clinically useful way and perhaps also predict response to (targeted) treatments and the potential emergence of resistant clones.
Torstein Teng's CV and publications
Home page of Ragnhild A. Lothe's Genetics Group
Department of Molecular Oncology
Institute seminars spring season 2015
Institute seminar organizers:
Stine H. Kresse, Trevor Clancy and Mads H. Haugen
(Dept. of Tumor Biology and Immunology)