Excellent OUS research presented by the Norwegian Cancer Society: New method for treatment of lung cancer

In the research section of the Norwegian Cancer Society (NCS) successful scientists that are supported by the NSC are presented regularly, written in a popular scientific language (in Norwegian). They have recently published an article Åslaug Helland's work on a new and promising method that gives hope for a better treatment of lung cancer.
Åslaug Helland leads the project group "Translational studies with a special focus on lung cancer" at the Department of Oncology at the Norwegian Radium Hospital, Oslo University Hospital.
The article from the research section of the Norwegian Cancer Society web site:
Ny metode gir håp om bedre behandling av lungekreft (translated to: New method gives hope for better treatment of lung cancer)
Åslaug Helland education and publications
Home page of the Norwegian Cancer Society (Kreftforeningen)