Oslo University Hospital research seminar Monday March 16th 14:30-16 Strategies for research on Alzheimers disease

Everyone is welcome to the next Oslo University Hospital research seminar, which is entitled "Strategies for research on Alzheimers disease". Speakers will include Lars Nilsson, Tormod Fladby, Jens Pahnke and Nenad Bogdanovic.
Time: Monday, March 16th, 2015, at 14:30-16:00.
Place: Blue Auditorium, Rikshospitalet, Sognsvannsveien 20, Oslo.
14.30: Introduction
Lars Nilsson, professor, PhD, Department of Pharmacology, University of Oslo (UoO) and OUH Rikshospitalet.
14.35: Pre-dementia disease monitoring - neurochemistry and imaging
Tormod Fladby, professor, MD, PhD, Department of Neurology, Akershus University Hospital (AHUS) and UoO.
14.55: Depression and dementia in elderly - New treatment strategies for Alzheimer's disease?
Jens Pahnke, professor, MD, PhD, Department of Pathology, UoO and OUH Rikshospitalet.
15.20: Exploring immune-based mechanisms in Alzheimers disease
Lars Nilsson.
15.40: New approaches in assessment and treatment of Alzheimer's disease
Nenad Bogdanovic, professor, MD, PhD, Department of Geriatric Medicine, OUH Ullevål and UoO.
Meetings organizers and co-chairs: Lars Nilsson and Jan-Bjørn Osnes, Department of Pharmacology, OUH Rikshospitalet.
Everybody is welcome!
Forthcoming OUH research seminars:
20.04 Proteomics: breakthroughs and cutting edge applications in immunology, microbiology, and cancer.
Meeting announcements and information: www.med.uio.no/klinmed/forskning/aktuelt/arrangementer/andre/ous-seminarer
On behalf of the organizing committee for OUH research seminars,
Alexandre Corthay (committee leader)