March 5th 12-15, Rh Gaustad: Seminar with the winners of the Olav Thon Foundation International Research Prize

This is a unique seminar with the winners of the Olav Thon Foundation International Research Prize within the fields of medical as well as mathematics and natural sciences for 2015: Judith Campisi (Buck Institute for Research on Aging, USA) and Yossi Shiloh (Tel Aviv University, Israel). Doctor of honour at the University of Oslo, Vilhelm A. Bohr, NIH, will conclude the seminar with his lecture.
The seminar is a collaboration between the Olav Thon Foundation, University of Oslo (UiO) the Healthy Brain Ageing Centre (HBAC) research network and Tone Tønjum's Genome Network group at Oslo University Hospital / UiO.
Time: Thursday, March 5th, 2015 at 12:00 - 15:00
Place: DM4, The Rotunda at University of Oslo (UiO), Gaustad
11:30 11:55: Coffee/Tea - presentations ready
12:00 - 12:15:
Rector Ole Petter Ottersen, UiO: Welcome, introduction of the Thon Prizes and the Thon awardees.
Judith Campisi, Buck Institute for Research on Aging, USA: Aging and cancer: Rival demons?
13:00-13:30: Lunch, meet young scientists
Yossi Shiloh, Tel Aviv University, Israel: The DNA damage response: linking genome stability, neurodegeneration, cancer and aging.
Vilhelm A. Bohr, NIH: Genome instability, mitochondria, and age associated dementia.
Seminar program (pdf format)
Link to registration
The Healthy Brain Ageing Centre (HBAC)
The Genome Dynamics Groupp, headed by Tone Tønjum