Oslo University Hospital research seminar Monday February 2nd 14:30 PhD students and supervisors: the fast tracks to perfect synergy?

Everyone is welcome to the next Oslo University Hospital research seminar, which is entitled "PhD students and supervisors: the fast tracks to perfect synergy?" Themes that will be discussed:
What are the roles of PhD students and supervisors in a PhD study?
Where to find help for new supervisors and students to maximize research outcome?
Time: Monday, February 2nd, 2015, at 14:30-16:00.
Place: Red Auditorium, Rikshospitalet, Sognsvannsveien 20, Oslo.
14.30: Are there fast tracks to available resources for PhD students and supervisors?
Annetine Staff, Professor, University of Oslo (UiO), and Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynecology, OUH.
14.45: The PhD student’s perspective: Do we know what we need and what our roles are in a student-supervisor relationship?
Ragnhild Askeland Sandbu, PhD student, UiO.
15.00: The University’s perspective: What do we expect from PhD supervisors?
Ludvig A. Munthe, Professor, Head of Postgraduate Studies, Institute of Clinical Medicine, UiO.
15.15: The supervisor’s perspective: Do all PhD students need the same supervision and how does it change during the PhD period? How to prepare the PhD student for a life after the PhD?
Kjetil Taskén, Professor, Director, Biotechnology Centre of Oslo and Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway, UiO.
15.30: What if...? Cases from supervisor/PhD student collaboration: how can we optimize collaboration and prevent conflicts?
Drude Fugelseth, Professor, UiO, and Consultant, OUH, and Annetine Staff.
15.45: Plenary discussion (all presentators in a panel).
Moderators: Annetine Staff and Alexandre Corthay
Meeting’s co-chairs: Annetine Staff and Alexandre Corthay
Everybody is welcome!
N.B.: The Forskningshåndboken can be freely downloaded at:
Forthcoming OUH research seminars:
02.03 Personalized medicine.
16.03 Strategies for research on Alzheimer's disease.
13.04 Presentation of core facilities for proteomics research.
Meeting announcements and information: www.med.uio.no/klinmed/forskning/aktuelt/arrangementer/andre/ous-seminarer
On behalf of the organizing committee for OUH research seminars,
Alexandre Corthay (committee leader)