CCB seminar Thursday Sept 25th: Dr. Heinrich Jasper: Stem Cell Biology of the Gut

Dr. Jasper from Buck Institute for Research on Aging, Novato, USA is interested in regulatory mechanisms that control stress tolerance, metabolism and aging in multi-cellular organisms. In particular, he has been recognized for making seminal discoveries about the effects of aging on stem cell behavior, and about the role of stress signaling in regulating stem cell function. Current projects in his lab focus on the control of tissue regeneration, metabolic homeostasis, and cell death by insulin and stress signaling pathways. Most of these studies are being performed using Drosophila melanogaster, taking advantage of the wide range of genetic, molecular, and genomic techniques available for this model organism. Current and future work is extending this research to stem cell systems in the mouse (mus musculus). It focuses on signaling mechanisms that influence critical physiological processes with relevance to aging and cancer biology.
Time and place : Sep 25, 2014 14:00-15:00 Radiumhospitalet, Auditorium, Research Building