Award ceremony at Ullevål Dec 6th 0800 - 0830 Jo Kramer-Johansen won 1st prize in OUS innovation contest

Jo Kramer-Johansen from the Institute for Experimental Medical Research at the Division of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Diseases won the first prize in the OUS innovation contest for the autumn of 2013, for the idea "Cardiac arrest and electronic decision support". The second place went to Knut Erik Hovda, Gaut Gadeholt og Dag Jacobsen for the idea "Clinical method for safe diagnostics of methanol and ethanol poisoning" and the third place to Iren Borgen for the idea "Mobile health for women with pregnancy diabetes"
The award ceremony took place in the Large Auditorium at Ullevål Friday December 6th, where the prize winners introduced their ideas. The meeting was chaired by Andreas Moan, and vice managing director Tove Gerhardsen distributed the awards.
The main prize amounts to 150.000 NOK, while the second and third place winners receive 50.000 NOK each.
Download meeting poster , with details about the prize (pdf format), in Norwegian
Jo Kramer-Johansen's publications