Oslo University Hospital research seminar Dec 2nd From Research to Medical Technology Solutions

Welcome to the next Oslo University Hospital (OUH) research seminar entitled "From Research to Medical Technology Solutions".
Time: Monday, December 2nd, 2013, at 14:30-16:00.
Place: Red Auditorium, Rikshospitalet, Sognsvannsveien 20, Oslo.
Speakers: Ole Kristian Hjelstuen, Jacob Bergsland, Ole Jakob Elle, Jan Olav Høgetveit and
Knut Kvernebo.
14:30 | Commercialization of medtech products by Inven2. Ole Kristian Hjelstuen, Inven2. |
14:45 | From drugs to medtech. Jacob Bergsland, The Intervention Centre, OUH and University of Oslo (UiO). |
15:00 | Planning and navigation platform for liver resection. Ole Jakob Elle, The Intervention Centre, OUH and UiO. |
15:20 | Non-invasive, early detection of severe hypoglycaemia. Jan Olav Høgetveit, The clinical and biomedical engineering department (MTV), OUH, and Department of Physics, UiO. |
15:40 | mCirc: the new diagnostic paradigm in circulatory failure. Knut Kvernebo, Department of Thorax surgery, OUH and UiO. |
Meetings chairwoman: Elin Melby, Inven2
Everybody is welcome!
Forthcoming OUH research seminars in 2014:
13.01: Next generation brain imaging
03.02: Cardiovascular diseases
03.03: Personalized cancer medicine
07.04: Antibiotics resistance
Meeting announcements and information from www.med.uio.no
On behalf of the organizing committee for OUH research seminars,
Alexandre Corthay