Meza-Zepeda and Myklebost interviewed in VG about cancer detection using whole-genome sequencing of cell free DNA

Leonardo Meza-Zepeda and Ola Myklebost from the Department of Tumor Biology was in the November 26 issue of Verdens Gang (VG, Norway's largest newspaper) interviewed in order to give their expert opinions on the technique of using blood samples in order to detect cancer. The VG article was based on findings from Johns Hopkins University in USA, where researchers use whole-genome sequencing of cell free DNA in order to detect tumors. Meza-Zepeda and Myklebost find the method promising, and scientists at the Norwegian Radium Hospital at OUS will be the first in this country to perform major studies in this field of research.
Blodprøve oppdager kreft - from VG Nett
Blodprøve oppdager kreft - PDF format of paper version from Sunday November 24th
Home page of Leonardo Meza-Zepeda's group - Translational Genomics
Home page of Ola Myklebost's group - The biology of mesenchymal tumours (sarcomas)