The Rimington Prize to Pål Kristian Selbo

Pål Kristian Selbo from Kristian Berg's group at the Department of Radiation Biology received the Rimington Prize during the annual meeting for the Norwegian Society for Photobiology and Photomedicine (NOFFOF) recently held in Trondheim.
The Rimington prize is distributed to internationally renowned scientists within the field of photobiology, primarily related to work on porphyrins, but the award may also be given to researchers covering other photobiological areas. One of the criteria to earn the prize is to act as an ambassasador for photobiology, a role Pål Kristian Selbo has played in an excellent way.
During the ceremony Selbo gave his Rimington speech, entitled "Shining light on the dark side of cancer: Photochemical internalization of cancer stem cell-targeting therapeutics".
The Norwegian Society for Photobiology and Photomedicine (NOFFOF) was founded at the University Hospital (St Olav's Hospital) in Trondheim, Norway on May 9, 1983. The Society selects recipients of the Claude Rimington's Commemorative Prize. Professor Claude Rimington (1902-1993) was a British biochemist who devoted his work to the study of porphyrines and the photosensitization of farm animals. He spent his retirement days continuing his research at the Norwegian Radium Hospital, Oslo. Professor Rimington became an honorary member of NOFFOF in 1984. Since 1995 NOFFOF has awarded the Rimington Prize to ten distinguished researchers in the field of photobiology and photomedicine.
Article about the Rimington award and Pål Kristian Selbo's research achivements (in Norwegian)
Pål Kristian Selbo's CV and publications
Department of Radiation Biology
Information about The Norwegian Society for Photobiology and Photomedicine (NOFFOF) (Wikipedia article)