Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease award (Kolsprisen 2013) to Johny Kongerud

(photo: LHL)
LHL - The Norwegian Heart and Lung Patient Organization - has awarded the Kolsprisen for 2013 to Johny Kongerud from the Department of Respiratory Medicine for his excellent scientific work within the field of occupational related asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Kongerud had documented relationships between occupational exposure and the development of asthma and COPD, and these findings has contributed to the improvement of workplace environments.
The award ceremony took place Friday October 4th.
From the home page of LHL: Kolsprisen 2013 til Johny Kongerud
From Dagens Medisin
Research at the Department of Respiratory Medicine, OUS
Occupational and enviromental exposure and respiratory diseases