Nordic Stroke Award 2013 to David Russel

The Nordic Stroke Award for 2013 went to professor David Russell from the Department of Neurology at the Divison of Surgery and Clinical Neuroscience at Oslo University Hospital. The award was distributed during the 17th Nordic Congress on Cerebrovascular Diseases (Nordic Stroke 2013), which took place on August 21-24 in Vilnius, Lithuania.
David Russell has performed his scientific work at the Department of Neurology at OUS/Rikshospitalet during the last 38 years. He is founding president in the executive committe of the European Society of Neurosonology an Cerebral Hemodynamics (ESNCH) and member of the board of director in European Stroke Organisation (ESO). Russell is honorary doctor at the universities in Ulm, Debrecen and Belgrade.
The aim of the Nordic Stroke Society is to promote research on cerebrovascular disorders in the Nordic and Baltic countries with special emphasis on scientific collaboration and exchange across national borders and between professional disciplines.
News articles about the award from Norwegian web sites:
From Oslo University Hospital:
Hjerneslagpris til David Russell
Dagens Medisin:
Nordisk pris til norsk nevrolog
Nordic Stroke 2013 home page - program
The European Society for Neuroimaging and Cerebral Hemodynamics
European Stroke Organisation (ESO)
David Russell's group: Cerbrovascular diseases