Researchers from the Interventional Centre introduce new paradigm in Nature Medicine article

Kyrre Eeg Emblem from the Interventional Centre at OUS is first and Atle Bjørnerud third author on an article published online in Nature Medicine (journal impact factor 22,46) August 18th. The authors introduce a new paradigm in MRI termed vessel architectural imaging (VAI), that exploits an overlooked temporal shift in the magnetic resonance signal, forming the basis for vessel caliber estimation. It is shown how this phenomenon can reveal new information on vessel type and function not assessed by any other noninvasive imaging technique. They also show how this biomarker can provide new biological insights into the treatment of patients with cancer.
The findings has drawn considerable attention, and are discussed on a large number of major national and international web sites. (list of links have recently been updated in this article, to be found under "More")
The article:
Kyrre E Emblem, Kim Mouridsen, Atle Bjornerud, Christian T Farrar, Dominique Jennings, Ronald J H Borra,Patrick Y Wen,Percy Ivy,Tracy T Batchelor,Bruce R Rosen,Rakesh K Jain, & A Gregory Sorensen
Vessel architectural imaging identifies cancer patient responders to anti-angiogenic therapy
Nature Medicine (2013) doi:10.1038/nm.3289 Published online 18 August 2013
News articles about the findings from various major Norwegian web sites:
News article from the home page of Oslo University Hospital (in Norwegian):
MR med ny vri - ny diagnostikk for hjernesvulster (translated to: "MR with a fresh approach - new diagnostics for brain tumours"
From VG - Norway's largest newspaper:
Bedre kreftdiagnose med ny scanning-metode ("Better cancer diagnostics with novel scanning method")
From Teknisk Ukeblad:
Ny MR-metode gir raskere svar ("Novel MR method giving faster response"
Bedre kreftdiagnose med ny scanning-metode ("Better cancer diagnostics with novel scanning method")
Fra Dagens Medisin:
Norske forskere med ny MR-metode ("Norwegian reseearchers introduce novel MR method")
Hevder ny MR-metode kan forutsi nytte av kreftbehandling ("Claims that novel MR method may predict the benefit of cancer treatment" Download PDF version
Ny MR-metode gir raskere svar ("Novel MR method gives quicker answers")
From international web sites:
From Health Canal:
New MR analysis technique reveals brain tumor response to anti-angiogenesis therapy
Massachusetts General Hospital:
The ASCO post:
Medical News Today:
Aunt Minnie:
Science Daily:
Voices Against Brain Cancer:
Health Canal:
NIH Research Matters:
Kyrre Eeg Emblems publications
Interventional Centre home page