Guest lecturer - K.G. Jebsen Center for Breast Cancer Research - June 13th Janne Lehtiö

The K.G. Jebsen Center for Breast Cancer Research has invited Janne Lehtiö from Karolinska Institutet, Science for Life Laboratory, Stockholm will to give a guest lecture on Thursday June 13th, entitled "From genotype to molecular phenotype: In-depth cancer proteomics on hormonal and EGFR driven cancers."
Time and place: 10:00-11:00 am, in the Auditorium, FOBY, Montebello
Janne Lehtiö is heading clinical cancer proteomics group at Karolinska Institutet, and he is platform manager for mass spectrometry platform at Science for Life Laboratory in Stockholm.
Janne Lehtiö's main research interest is cancer proteomics, focusing on particularly on new methods and analysis of clinical materials using mass spectrometry based proteomics. Dr Lehtiö has developed and used peptide isoelectric focusing as a step to improve analytical depth in clinical proteomics. Lehtiö’s group is also working on S100-proteins function in cancer. The main disease areas that Lehtiö’s group has ongoing research include lung cancer, breast cancer and endocrine tumors.
Janne Lehtiö group is also collaborators in the EU projects GlycoHit ( with the Department of genetics at IKF (Børresen-Dale).
Some recent publication from Lehtiö lab:
1. Retinoic acid receptor alpha has potential predictive value in tamoxifen treated breast cancer patients. Johansson H.J, Sanchez B.C., Mundt F., Forshed J., Lundgren B., Martens U., Kovacs A., Máthé G., Yakhini Z., Helou K., Einbeigi Z., Krawiec K., Kanter L., Hjerpe A., Stål O., Linderholm B.K., Lehtiö J. Nature Commun. In press. 2013. May.
2. S100A4 interacts with p53 in the nucleus and promotes p53 degradation. Orre L.M., Panizza E., Kaminskyy V., Vernet E., Gräslund T.B., Zhivotovsky B., Lehtiö J. Oncogene, in press, 2013 May.
3. A proteomic screen for SCFFbw7 ubiquitin-ligase substrates reveals Fbw7 as a modulator of the NF-kB pathway. Arabi, A.; Ullah, K.; Branca, R. M.; Johansson, J.; Bandarra, D.; Haneklaus, M.; Fu, J.; Ariës, I.; Nilsson, P.; Den Boer, M. L.; Pokrovskaja, K.; Grander, D.; Xiao, G.; Rocha, S.; Lehtiö, J.; Sangfelt, O., Nature Commun 2012, Jul 31;3:976.
4. Tumor proteomics by multivariate analysis on individual pathway data for characterization of vulvar cancer phenotypes. Sandberg A, Lindell G, Nordstrom-Källström B, Branca RM, Gemzell Danielsson K, Dahlberg M, Larson B, Forshed J, Lehtiö J. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2012 Jul;11(7):M112.016998
Janne Lehtiö's group, SciLifeLab home page
SciLifeLab is a collaboration between four universities in Stockholm and Uppsala: Stockholm University, the Karolinska Institutet, the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) and Uppsala University.
Janne Lehtiös group, KI home page
K.G. Jebsen Center for Breast Cancer Research
Host: Anne-Lise Børresen-Dale