The story of PCI popularized and presented in national media

Kristian Berg at the Department of Radiation Biology at the Institute for Cancer Research played a key role in when the technique of "photochemical internalization" (PCI) was developed. This method was introduced in 1995.
The story behind PCI is widely presented in a popularized form on the web page of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) as well as on the much visited Norwegian popular science web site "".
Vil bekjempe kreft med lys ("Fighting cancer with light") -
Vil bekjempe kreft med lys -
Home page of Kristian Berg's PCI research group
Department of Radiation Biology
Various news articles from about PCI research performed by the PCI group:
Monica Bostad and co-workers publish important new findings on light-triggered targeting of stem-like cancer cells
Publication in a top rated drug delivery journal by Pål K. Selbo and co-workers
Interview with Pål Selbo published on attracts attention
Light-enhanced tumour-targeting demonstrated by Pål K. Selbo and co-workers