Nine research awards will be distributed at Rikshospitalet - Gaustad on Friday April 26th at 7.45 am

On Friday April 26th nine research awards will be distributed to scientists from Oslo University Hospital. The prizes will be given out by Bjørn Erikstein (photo), managing director at the hosptital, during an event taking place from 7.45 to 8.30 am in the Large auditorium at Rikshospitalet, Gaustad.
The rewarding of excellent OUS research takes place every half-year. Previously, awards have been given to six excellent research articles.
New this time is the selection of three individual researchers at the hospital: one "Excellent Researcher Award" and two "Early Career Awards". The prizes amount to 300.000 NOK and 150.000 NOK respectively.
The awards to the three individual outstanding researchers come in addition to the established prizes, which goes to six excellent research original articles published during the second halv-year of 2012. Each of these rewards amount to 50.000 NOK.
The winner of the "Excellent Researcher Award" will give a short presentation of his/her work.
The awards are meant to inspire the research communities at OUS and bring publicity to the excellent work performed by scientist at the hospital. The new prizes to the individual researchers come as a consequence of these ambitions.
This is the fourth time awards to excellent research are distributed.
Time and place for the event:
Date: Friday April 26th 2013,
Time: 0745 - 0830 am
Place: Rikshosptitalet, Gaustad, Store auditorium (Large auditorium), B2-1.etasje
To news articles about previous distributions of half-yearly awards to excellent OUS research:
First half-year of 2012