Grant from the Polish-Norwegian Research Found awarded to Antoni Wiedlochas group

Antoni Wiedlocha’s group has been awarded a grant for the project, ”Highly cytotoxic FGF2-conjugates in targeted therapy for FGFR-expressing cancer”, from the Polish-Norwegian Research Found for a period 3 years. This project is cooperation with Jacek Otlewski’s group at the University of Wroclaw, Poland. The in vivo part (experimental tumor models) of the project will be performed in collaboration with Skjalg Bruheim and Gunhild Mælandsmo from the Department of Tumor Biology. The total project funding amounts to 1000 000 Euro.
Home page of Antoni Wiedlocha's group:
Protein internalisation and signaling - Nuclear translocation and intracrine signaling of FGFs
Department of Tumor Biology
Previous news about Wiedlocha's group:
Paper from Wiedlocha group published in "Science Signaling"
Gordon Research Conference awards to Haugsten and Zakrzewska