Promising cancer detection method Elastography research covered by "Science Daily" and "Apollon"

The popular American news website for topical science articles - "Science Daily" has recently published an article on the new cancer detection method "elastography". Here, Per Kristian Hol from the Interventional Centre at OUS is cited as follows: "Elastography gives oncologists yet another method for detecting tumours. Elastography may be especially suitable for determining how serious the illness is".
The recent development in elastography research is also extensively covered by "Apollon" - the award winning magazine from the University of Oslo (in Norwegian).
Elastography: New Cancer Detection Method Right Around the Corner; Norway and France in Front (Science Daily)
In Norwegian: Ny metode for kreftsjekk rett rundt hjørnet (Apollon)
Digital Signal Processing and Image Analysis (DSB), Dept. of Informatics, UiO