Award for Research on Single-Incision Pancreatic Surgery

Sven-Petter Haugvik, MD and PhD candidate at the Department of Hepato-pancreato-biliary Surgery, received the award for best scientific presentation in the category "laparoscopic surgery" at this year's annual meeting of the Norwegian Surgical Society, held at the Holmenkollen Park Hotell in Oslo from October 22-26.The award is given annually after evaluation by representatives from the Norwegian Thoraco-Laparoscopic Association. The award is sponsored by Olympus© Norway and includes 10'000 NOK.
In his presentation "Towards New Frontiers in Pancreatic Surgery: Assessment of Single-Incision Laparoscopic Distal Pancreatectomy in a Case-Matched Comparison with Conventional Laparoscopy", dr. Haugvik presented the first experience of single-incision pancreatic surgery gathered at the Department of Hepato-pancreato-biliary Surgery and Interventional Centre, Oslo University Hospital. The research group in laparoscopic surgery, which is led by Prof. Bjørn Edwin, could demonstrate that single-incision distal pancreatectomy is comparable to conventional distal pancreatectomy in terms of feasibility and 30-day morbidity.
Sven-Peter Haugvik's publications
The Norsk Kirurgisk Forening (NKF) home page, with meeting information (in Norwegian)