Trial lecture and disputation Wednesday June 13th Berte Grimsmo Bøe

Cand. med. Berte Grimsmo Bøe, member of the CIRRO (Center for Implant and Radiostereometric Research Oslo) group, will give her trial lecture on Wednesday June 13th at 10:15 on the following subject: "Håndtering av hoftebrudd: Faktorer som bidrar til et optimalt resultat og evidens for valg av operasjonsmetode."
She will defend her PhD thesis - entitled "Bone remodelling and migration after insertion of femoral stems with different surface coatings. Clinical and experimental studies" at 13:15 the same day.
Both the trial lectures and the disputation will take place in the "Red auditorium, Laboratoriebygget, Oslo University Hospital, Ullevål, Kirkeveien 166"
Announcements from UiO web pages:
Trial lecture
Berte Grimsmo Bøe's CV and publications
CIRRO home page (Center for Implant and Radiostereometric Research Oslo)